1-877-BID-OHIO (243-6446) 

Specializing in the sale of
Real Estate at Public Auction


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Home Features: Vinyl Siding, New Roof 2013, Central Air, Replacement Windows and Many More Updates. Large Double Lot w/Garden Area. TERMS:


Open House: June 5 (1-2pm) & June 7 (4-5pm)

Furniture - Household - Lawn & Garden

Oak Roll Top Desk; Lighted Curio Cabinet; Dining Room Set w/6 Chairs, Side Board & Server (Heavy Built); Kitchen Table & 4 Chairs; Upright Freezer; Sofa w/2 ottomans; oak end tables; recliner; beer stein collection; Corelle set for 16; Pfaltzgraff set for 8; Doll collection incld. Mother Teresa, Dynasty & Native American; Coke, JFK & 9/11 memorabilia; Sears rear tine tiller; misc. garden tools; shop vacs; window A/C; 5000 watt Generac Generator; elliptical; pressure canner; more items not listed. TERMS: Cash or Good Check. Photo ID Required.

Peter J. Gallagher, Owner Restroom Available.

WMS Marketing Services, llc

Ohio Real Estate Auctions

Auctioneer: Vic Smith Jr.

Lot Size: 49' x 124' & 49' x 124'

Annual Taxes: $ 1,024.97

Property Map


Basic Terms:

TERMS: A non-refundable down payment of $5,000 is due auction day with cash or check, balance due at closing within 30 days. Taxes: Prorated. Possession: 30 days after closing. 

Realtor Participation:

Contact Auctioneer.

Number of Times Viewed: 2378