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Real Estate Auction - Minimum bid only $35,000
Auction Date: Thursday, September 5th @ 1PM On-site
Address: 4894 Dickens Drive, Columbus, OH 43227
Franklin County Parcel #: 010-116848-00
Viewing Dates: Thursday, August 29th 12PM to 12:30PM & 30 minutues prior to auction. Private appointments with your Realtor are also available.
Description: 3BR, 2BA, single family 1-story home. 1,763+/- square feet. Built in 1958. Being sold to settle the estate of Francis A. Re, Claudia Behm, Executor. FCPC# 558224.
Basic Terms: Sells at or above minimum bid of $35,000 plus ten percent buyer's premium. Property sells as-is with no buyer contingencies for financing, inspections or otherwise. Clean deed at closing with no liens or delinquent taxes. A 10% buyer's premium will be added to the high bid to obtain final contract selling price. Short pro-ration of taxes. Buyer pays all closing costs. All inspections must be done prior to auction.
Deposit and Closing: In order to register to bid you must bring a CASHIER'S CHECK MADE PAYABLE to Ohio Real Estate Auctions in the amount of $3,000 which will become your non-refundable deposit if you are the high bidder. Checks will be immediately returned to all non-winning bidders. Closing must be within 30 days after the Auction.
Realtor Participation: Realtor showings and cooperation are encouraged. For full compensation instructions, see Realtor Registration form at Please expect no exceptions to the minimal requirements outlined below. Please call Auctioneer to schedule all showings.
To collect a commission, licensed real estate agents/brokers must:
1) Conduct a showing on the property,
2) Register your bidder no less than 48 hours prior to the auction on the approved form located in the Realtor’s Section of,
3) Present a written opening bid on behalf of your client. NOTE: You will receive 3% of the written opening bid if you represent the successful bidder.
4) Accompany your client to the auction.
Auctioneer: Michael Hoffman, CAI, AARE, CES, BASE, GPPA-d
Broker: Ohio Real Estate Auctions, LLC
(614) 314-0298
Disclaimer: Information contained herein and in the Property Information Packet was obtained from sources deemed reliable. However, neither Ohio Real Estate Auctions, LLC Auctioneers nor their agents will be responsible for any errors or omissions regarding information provided by same. Announcements made at the auction will take precedence over written material or any other statements made prior to the auction. Buyers should carefully verify all information and make their own decision as to the accuracy thereof before relying on same.
Property Map
Realtor Participation:
Realtor showings and cooperation are encouraged. For full compensation instructions, see Realtor Registration form attachment. Please call Auctioneer to schedule all showings.