More Information
Sells reguardless of price. For an easy showing of the property text (937) 581-3037. This home was built in 1951 and includes 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1,274 square feet, a crawl space and a detached garage. Located within Cabell County School district and is bank owned. ONLINE BIDDING ONLY.
Property Map
Basic Terms:
Sells Regardless of Price to the Highest bidder with no minimums or reserves. 100% (FULL PURCHASE PRICE) down by direct deposit into our JPmorgan Chase trust account or by credit card payment with a 4% surcharge, which will become your non refundable deposit. Contract signature and deposit must be made by 5 PM the day of Auction. The real estate is sold As Is with no contingencies. All inspections must be done prior to Auction. Close within 7 days after the funds have cleared. A 10% buyer's premium will be added to the high bid to obtain the final contract selling price. Short tax proration. Buyer pays all closing costs. Limited warranty deed given at closing with no liens or back taxes.
Bid increments will be $100.
When you place a bid, you can place a "Max Bid" and the computer will bid for you in the increments stated above.
If someone bids within the final 5 minutes of the Auction, the ending of the Auction will be extended by 5 minutes until all bids have been placed.
Deposit and Closing:
Full purchase price is due the day of Auction. Closing will occur within 7 days after the funds have cleared using the title company of the buyer's choosing.
Realtor Participation:
Realtor showings and cooperation are encouraged. For full compensation instructions, see Realtor Registration form attachment. Please call Auctioneer to schedule all showings.