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Court Ordered Auction of Real Estate
State of Ohio, Pickaway County
AVC, LLC, et al
Pickaway County Common Please Court Case # 2011-CI-0423
Pickaway County PID D1300320000112
September 9, 2014 @ 1:00 P.M. on site
Description: This 2.011 acre tract is approved for construction of 18 attached condominium units. Utilities are on site and this project is ready to start. Located in The Reserve atAshtonVillage
Basic Terms: Property sells to the highest bidder on auction day subject to no minimum bid. The sale is subject to court confirmation. Property sells as-is with no buyer contingencies for financing, inspections or otherwise. Clean deed at closing with no liens or delinquent taxes. 10% buyer's premium will be added to the high bid to obtain final contract selling price. Buyer pays all closing costs.
Deposit and Closing: In order to register to bid you must bring a CHECK MADE PAYABLE to Ohio Real Estate Title in the amount of $5,000.00 which will be your non-refundable deposit if you are the high bidder. Checks will be immediately returned to all non-winning bidders. Close 30 days after court confirmation
Legal description
As to 2.011 acre tract:
Situated in the State ofOhio,CountyofPickawayand in theVillageofAshville:
<Legal description follows as a separate exhibit and is more particularly described as 4.177 acres, less and excepting a: 1) 0.715 acre tract; 2) 0.651 acre tract; and 3) 0.800 acre tract, creating a 2.011 acre tract>
Parcel No.: D13000320000112
Appraised Value: $ 100,000.00
Required Deposit: 10% of the successful bid amount.
Auctioneer: Ron Denney, Auctioneer-Realtor (937)572-4468
Lot Size: 2.011 acres
Property Map
Basic Terms:
Basic Terms: Property sells to the highest bidder on auction day subject to no minimum bid. The sale is subject to court confirmation. Property sells as-is with no buyer contingencies for financing, inspections or otherwise. Clean deed at closing with no liens or delinquent taxes. 10% buyer's premium will be added to the high bid to obtain final contract selling price. Buyer pays all closing costs.
Deposit and Closing: In order to register to bid you must bring a CHECK MADE PAYABLE to Ohio Real Estate Title in the amount of $5,000.00 which will be your non-refundable deposit if you are the high bidder. Checks will be immediately returned to all non-winning bidders. Close 30 days after court confirmation
Deposit and Closing:
Close 30 days after court confirmation
Realtor Participation:
Realtor showings and cooperation are encouraged. For full compensation instructions, see Realtor Registration form attachment. Please call Auctioneer to schedule all showings.