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Court ordered Real Estate Auction
Single Family Home on 4.63 acres
Property sells on-site, July 2, @ 1:00P.M.
Ashtabula County Common Pleas Court Case # 2010 CV 0210
Auction Date: Wednesday July 2, 2014 @ 1:00 P.M., on-site
Address: 4293 Creek Rd. Andover OH, 44033
Ashtabula County Parcel #: 090210000800
Annual property taxes: $1,459.00
Viewing Dates: Wednesday June 25 from 1:00-1:30 PM
BASIC TERMS: Property sold subject to Court Ordered Minimum Bid of $43,778.00 . 10% Buyers Premium in effect. Property is being sold "AS-IS, WHERE-IS" with no representations or warranties, expressed, written or implied by the Lender or Auctioneer. A non-refundable deposit of 10% of the total purchase price is required at the conclusion of the auction. Deposit shall be paid by cash or personal check. Closing required within 30-days of court confirmation. Buyer pays all closing costs. Plaintiff shall pay delinquent taxes only. Buyer will assume all current and future taxes. Sheriff's Deed or equivalent with no liens or encumbrances at closing. 2% Broker participation available to licensee representing properly registered, successful bidder. Announcements made auction day supersede all prior material. For complete terms, conditions and legal description, please visit
Situated in the Township of Cherry Valley, County of Ashtabula and State of Ohio: Being a part of Lot No. 8 in Section No. 3 in said Township and bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point in the center line of the Creek Road, which point is in the northeast corner of lands formerly owned by Bertha M. Burns; thence north along the center line of said Creek Road, a distance of 320 feet to a point; thence west parallel with the north boundary line of lands formerly owned by Bertha M. Burns, a distance of 630 feet to a point; thence south a distance of 320 feet parallel with the center line of said Creek Road to a point on the north boundary line of lands formerly owned by Bertha M. Burns; thence east a distance of 630 feet to the place of beginning and containing within said boundaries 4.63 acres of land, be the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways.
P.P. #090210000800
Said property is known as4293 Creek Road, Andover ,OH 44003 for street numbering purposes.
Prior Deed: Official Record Volume 287, Page 434
Ron Denney, Court Appointed Auctioneer (937)572-4468
Lot Size: 4.63 Acres
Annual Taxes: $1,459.00
Property Map
Basic Terms:
BASIC TERMS: Summary of Terms: Property sold subject to Court Ordered Minimum Bid of $43,778.00 . 10% Buyers Premium in effect. Property is being sold "AS-IS, WHERE-IS" with no representations or warranties, expressed, written or implied by the Lender or Auctioneer. A non-refundable deposit of 10% of the total purchase price is required at the conclusion of the auction. Deposit shall be paid by cash or personal check. Closing required within 30-days of court confirmation. Buyer pays all closing costs. Plaintiff shall pay delinquent taxes only. Buyer will assume all current and future taxes. Sheriff's Deed or equivalent with no liens or encumbrances at closing. 2% Broker participation available to licensee representing properly registered, successful bidder. Announcements made auction day supersede all prior material.
Realtor Participation:
Realtor showings and cooperation are encouraged. For full compensation instructions, see Realtor Registration form attachment. Please call Auctioneer to schedule all showings.