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Sells to the Highest Bidder Regardless of Price!
No Minimum and No Reserve! Attention Investors!
Auction Date: Wednesday, April 10th @ 1PM onsite
Property preview: 30 minutes prior to auction
Address: 444 Oak St, Toledo, OH 43605
Basic Terms: Sells Regardless of Price to the highest bidder. Property sells As-Is with no buyer contingencies for financing, inspections or otherwise. Clean deed with no liens or delinquent taxes at closing. A 10% buyer’s premium will be added to final bid to create contract purchase price. Short pro-ration of taxes. Buyer pays all closing costs. All desired inspections should be completed and necessary financing arranged prior to auction day.
Deposit and Closing: 10% down by cash or check which will become your non refundable deposit if you are the high bidder. Balance and closing required within 30 days of auction through HBI Title – closing agent.
Seller: The Huntington National Bank
Auctioneer: Michael Hoffman
Broker: Ohio Real Estate Auctions, LLC
(614) 314-0298
Property Map
Basic Terms:
Sells Regardless of Price to the Highest bidder with no minimums or reserves. 10% down by cash or check which will become your non refundable deposit. The real estate is sold As Is with no contingencies. All inspections must be done prior to Auction. Close within 30 days. A 10% buyer's premium will be added to the high bid to obtain the final contract selling price. Short tax proration. Buyer pays all closing costs. General warranty deed given at closing with no liens or back taxes.
Realtor Participation:
Realtor showings and cooperation are encouraged. For full compensation instructions, see Realtor Registration form attachment. Please call Auctioneer to schedule all showings.