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Sells to the Highest Bidder Regardless of Price!
No Minimum and No Reserve! Attention Investors!
Auction Date: Tuesday, April 9th @ 1PM onsite
Property preview: 30 minutes prior to auction
Address: 122 Ohio St, Bridgeport, OH 43912
Basic Terms: Sells Regardless of Price to the highest bidder. Property sells As-Is with no buyer contingencies for financing, inspections or otherwise. Clean deed with no liens or delinquent taxes at closing. A 10% buyer’s premium will be added to final bid to create contract purchase price. Short pro-ration of taxes. Buyer pays all closing costs. All desired inspections should be completed and necessary financing arranged prior to auction day.
Deposit and Closing: 10% down by cash or check which will become your non refundable deposit if you are the high bidder. Balance and closing required within 30 days of auction through HBI Title – closing agent.
Seller: The Huntington National Bank
Auctioneer: Michael Hoffman
Broker: Ohio Real Estate Auctions, LLC
(614) 314-0298