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Absolute Real Estate Auction


Formerly Mr. B’s Drive-Thru

Income-producing Property on Two Parcels



Auction Date:  April 2, 2015 @ 1:00 P.M., On-site


Address:  200 S. Wittenberg Ave., Springfield, OH  45506


Clark County Parcel #s:  340070034115001 and 340070034115002


Annual Property Taxes:  $3,408.00 (both parcels)


Viewing Date:  Thursday, March 26th from 1:00-1:30 P.M. and 30 minutes prior to the auction. Appointments with your realtor are also available.


Description: This property has been a beer & wine drive-thru known as Mr. B’s for the past 30 years. The drive-thru was closed in early February. The front of the building is occupied by two long-term tenants, auto detailing, paying a combined $1,000.00 per month in rent. The upstairs of the building is an office which could be converted to a one bedroom apartment.  The commercial zoning makes this property attractive for many different uses. The C-1, C-2 & C-6 liquor license will be offered for sale to the buyer of the building at the conclusion of the auction. The price of the license will be $10,000. if purchased.


Basic Terms:  Property sells subject to no minimum and no reserve. Property sells as-is with no buyer contingencies for financing, inspections or otherwise. Clean deed at closing with no liens or delinquent taxes. A 10% buyer's premium will be added to the high bid to obtain the final contract selling price. Short pro-ration of taxes. Buyer pays all closing costs.


Deposit and Closing: In order to register to bid you must bring a Photo ID.  A 10% deposit of the contract sales price is due immediately following the auction, which will be your non-refundable deposit if you are the high bidder.  Close on or before May 2, 2015.


Auctioneer:  Ron Denney, Auctioneer-Realtor (937) 572-4468



Broker:  Ohio Real Estate Auctions, LLC


Realtor Participation: Realtor cooperation is encouraged.  Call the Auctioneer for all showings 937.572.4468.  For compensation instructions, see the Realtor Registration Form on www.rondenney.com. The requirements are outlined below: 


To collect a commission, Realtor's must: 

1) Conduct a showing on the property,

2) Register your bidder no less than 48 hours prior to the auction on the approved form located on www.rondenney.com

3)You will receive 2% of the high-bid amount if you represent the buyer,

4) Accompany your client to the auction.


Disclaimer:  Information contained herein and in the Property Information Packet was obtained from sources deemed reliable. However, neither Ohio Real Estate Auctions, LLC Auctioneers nor their agents will be responsible for any errors or omissions regarding information provided by same. Announcements made at the auction will take precedence over written material or any other statements made prior to the auction. Buyers should carefully verify all information and make their own decision as to the accuracy thereof before relying on same.



Annual Taxes: $ 3,408.00

Property Map


Ron Denney
Email Ron

W: 937-572-4468


High St. to South on Wittenberg

Basic Terms:

Sells Regardless of Price to the Highest bidder with no minimums or reserves. 10% down by cash or check which will become your non refundable deposit. The real estate is sold As Is with no contingencies. All inspections must be done prior to Auction. Close within 30 days. A 10% buyer's premium will be added to the high bid to obtain the final contract selling price. Short tax proration. Buyer pays all closing costs. General warranty deed given at closing with no liens or back taxes.

Deposit and Closing:

Close on or before May 2, 2015.

Realtor Participation:

Realtor showings and cooperation are encouraged. For full compensation instructions, see Realtor Registration form attachment. Please call Auctioneer to schedule all showings.

Number of Times Viewed: 2485