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Sells regardless of price! 1/3 interest in the Surface and Mineral Rights of 50.1 Acres of Monroe Co. land. Bank owned. Online only bidding. The current lease is in production and royalties at this point are minimal. Less than $50 per month. Original lease signing payment was $112,725 for this 1/3 interest. Possible income from tenants on the property. Currently 4-5 mobile homes on the property. Monroe Co. Auditor values the land at $136,090 which makes the 1/3 interest valued at $45,363.
Surface and Mineral rights will be offered separately and together and will sell in the manner that produces the highest price total.
Tract 1 is surface rights.
Tract 2 is mineral rights.
Tract 3 is the combination of both surface and mineral rights.
Updated: 2019-01
County: Monroe, OH
Municipality: Sunsbury
Parcel Id: 240210060000
Address: 50856 HEADLEY RIDGE Rd Zip Code: 43716
Acreage: 50.10 (deeded), 48.68 (calculated)
Land Use Code: 101
Land Use Class: Agricultural
Land Cover: Deciduous Forest: 36.74ac (75.5%), Cultivated Crops: 7.72ac (15.8%), Developed Open Space: 4.04ac (8.3%), Grassland/Herbaceous: 0.18ac (0.4%)
Elevation Ft: 1229
Owner Occupied: Yes
Legal Desc: R4 T4 S22 NE NW & PT SE S CR 38
School District: Switzerland of Ohio Local School District
$0.50 Transfer Fee - $0.50 per parcel
$42.00 Recording Fee - estimate if only 3 pages
Lot Size: 50.1 Acres
Annual Taxes: $ 1,457
Property Map
Basic Terms:
Sells Regardless of Price to the Highest bidder with no minimums or reserves. 100% (FULL PURCHASE PRICE) down by direct deposit into our JPmorgan Chase trust account or by credit card payment with a 4% surcharge, which will become your non refundable deposit. Contract signature and deposit must be made by 5 PM the day of Auction. The real estate is sold As Is with no contingencies. All inspections must be done prior to Auction. Close by Dec. 20. A 10% buyer's premium will be added to the high bid to obtain the final contract selling price. Short tax proration. Buyer pays all closing costs. Limited warranty deed given at closing with no liens or back taxes. Surface and Mineral rights will be offered separately and together and will sell in the manner that produces the highest price total.
Bid increments for most Auctions will be $100.
When you place a bid, you can place a "Max Bid" and the computer will bid for you in the increments stated above.
If someone bids within the final 5 minutes of the Auction, the ending of the Auction will be extended by 5 minutes until all bids have been placed.
Deposit and Closing:
Closing must take place no later than Dec. 21, 2019. Buyer will use a title company that Ohio Real Estate Auctions chooses.
For estimated closing costs, see above.
Realtor Participation:
No compensation.